Experience a general out of balance feeling? Organic lemongrass essential oil can help reduce feelings of depression, ease anxiety, and increase energy for a greater sense of balance.
Green Envee synergestic essential oil blends are created from 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils.
Use pure essential oil in a diffuser or add a few drops to a warm bath or favorite lotion. Spray AromaMist onto yourself, pillow, car, or workspace. Apply roll-on to pressure points, back of neck, or soles of feet.
Balance Essentials: oil, AromaMist, roll-on
Why do we trust Green Envee's essential oils? Their purity promise starts with non-GMO seeds and ensures optimum soil, harvest, and extraction to create the highest quality essential oil and the greatest commitment to the environment & sustainability. Each small-batch is mass spectrometry & gas chromatography quality tested.